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Media owner/publisher:

A. Menarini Pharma LLC

EURO PLAZA, Building K
Kranichberggasse 6
1120 Vienna

Company registration number: FN 177062k
Commercial Register Court: Handelsgericht Wien

Telephone: +43-1-879 95 85-0
Fax: +43-1-879 95 85-50
E-Mail: office[at]menarini[dot]at


VAT-ID: ATU 46203601

Trade licenses:
Trade with the exception of regulated trades. 

Production and preparation as well as leasing of medical products, as far as these activities do not fall under another regulated trade, and trade with as well as leasing of medical products, limited to trade with as well as leasing of medical products.

Manufacture of medicinal products and poisons, wholesale of medicinal products and poisons (Section 213(1)(1) to (7) of the GewO 1994), restricted to wholesale of medicinal products, of preparations intended for diagnostic use without contact with the human or animal body and of sterilized dressing materials.

Object of the company:
Distribution of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and cosmetics

Managing Directors:
Karl Kolland
Claudio Bertolaccini 

Authorized signatory:
Wilfried Teufel

A. Menarini Participations Internationales S.A. Luxemburg

Municipal District Office of the XII. District of the City of Vienna as trade authority:
Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection:
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH (AGES):

Applicable professional law:
Gewerbeordnung 1994, Arzneimittelgesetz (AMG), Arzneimittelbetriebsordnung, Suchtgiftgesetz, Medizinproduktegesetz available free of charge at

Pharmig Code of Conduct available at

WKO - Austrian Chamber of Commerce

Basic direction of the medium:
The presentation and communication of information on the media owner. The provision of information for patients, relatives and interested parties in accordance with § 50 Abs 2 Z 3 AMG as well as information for medical professionals (persons authorized to prescribe, use and dispense) in accordance with § 54 AMG iVm § 2 AMG.

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Dear visitor, the gender form selected on our homepage always refers to female, male and various people at the same time. We have refrained from using a gender-specific spelling or multiple designations solely for the purpose of better readability. All personal designations are to be understood as gender-neutral.

Liebe Besucherin, lieber Besucher, die auf unserer Homepage gewählte Geschlechtsform bezieht sich immer zugleich auf weibliche, männliche und diverse Personen. Wir haben ausschließlich zum Zweck der besseren Lesbarkeit auf eine geschlechtsspezifische Schreibweise bzw. auf eine Mehrfachbezeichnung verzichtet. Alle personenbezogenen Bezeichnungen sind geschlechtsneutral zu verstehen.