For Patients

High blood pressure (hypertension)

According to the Austrian Health Report, about 1.53 million people in Austria suffer from hypertension with a strong age-related increase. The Austrian Society of Hypertensiology recommends a target blood pressure value of <130/80 mmHg as normal blood pressure. However, depending on various factors, this may be lower or higher. Various antihypertensive drugs are recommended as pharmacological measures to reduce blood pressure and should be used depending on concomitant diseases and severity of hypertension. There are different causes for high blood pressure with increased pulse rate, but every affected person can effectively control it at home with regular proper measurement of blood pressure and pulse. Ideally, affected patients record their blood pressure values and pulse rate in their personal blood pressure passport. The prerequisite for optimal blood pressure control is constant cooperation, as this enables affected patients to make a significant contribution to controlling their high blood pressure. A change in lifestyle is also often useful. Lowering blood pressure can be supported, for example, by exercise and a low-salt diet.

In any case, talk to your doctor about this and see your doctor at regular intervals to check the effectiveness of your therapy.

How to measure your blood pressure correctly:

  • Blood pressure can fluctuate greatly during the course of the day - therefore always measure at the same time, ideally before breakfast and dinner.
  • The measurement should be taken at rest and in a sitting position.
  • Do not talk or move during the measurement.
  • Measure the blood pressure on both arms during the first measurement, and later on the arm on which you had the higher value during the first measurement.

Proceed in the following order:

  1. Putting on the cuff: The blood pressure cuff must be put on tightly. It fits correctly when it hugs the arm like a nylon stocking.
  2. Position of the cuff: On the upper arm, the cuff is placed 2 cm above the crook of the arm, on the wrist 2 cm above the palm. Wrist gauges are held at chest level during measurement.
  3. Behavior during measurement: Do not move the arm, hand or fingers during measurement.

Download blood pressure passport



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